We are ecstatic that our brothers and sisters have decided to be reborn in our Lord this Easter. Here is Jonathan Kha testimony: I grew up in a Christian family, and was... read more →
We are ecstatic that our brothers and sisters have decided to be reborn in our Lord this Easter. Here is Terry Kwok's testimony: I grew up in a fairly atheist family and... read more →
We are ecstatic that our brothers and sisters have decided to be reborn in our Lord this Easter. Here is 邵彩芝姊妹 testimony: 我邵彩芝已經76歲了, 有三名子女, 他們已有家庭且有兒女。我自小家景貧窮, 父母都是再婚。我有同父異母和同母異父的哥哥。以我父母來說, 只有我和兩個妹妹和兩個弟弟。因為家庭貧窮, 所以從小在叔父家中生 活, 同時期還要照顧祖母, 而叔父還領養了一女兒。祖母很愛護我(因為我是她接生的)... read more →
We are ecstatic that our brothers and sisters have decided to be reborn in our Lord this Easter. Here is 陳銀娣姊妹 testimony: 最初是夏大姐引導我來到「基督教會中心堂」, 從那時候開始我就慢慢認識了基督教的信仰, 以後我就多來到教會參加崇拜。 一天因為在崇拜的時候遺忘了手提電話, 翌日到教會約見胡偉泉傳道, 原意是取回電話, 卻聽了胡傳道分享見證, 及向我傳福音, 我承認自己是個罪人,... read more →