We are a Christ-centered, Scripture based and Spirit guided congregation.  A life changing community and disciple-makers who follow the great commission, reaching out to the community, because we believe all people matter to our Creator God. We are dedicated to put our next generation, our children first, equipping them as ministers of Christ.

Our Pastor

Rev. Dr. Peter Lee

Doctor of Ministry, Alliance Bible Seminary
Master of Divinity, China Graduate School of Theology

“Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness.” (Matthew 6:33)

Rev. Dr. Peter Lee came from Hong Kong. He was called to serve the Lord and studied in China Graduate School of Theology. He started his full-time ministry in 1988 to plant a church and equip leaders for high school and college students. While he had further study at Alliance Bible Seminary from 1997, he was also a senior pastor of a local church to apply what he learned and researched in family ministries. Before he left Hong Kong, Peter served at a megachurch for eight years. He was ordained in 2004. He led various departments, included men’s ministry, counseling, community services, and outreach ministries. He mainly served adults and established the Outreach Center for Adults in 2005. He moved to the United States in 2008 to serve immigrants in Chinatown San Francisco. He was called to start the ministry in 4C spiritual family from 2023. He likes praying, exercise and traveling. He visited more than 15 National Parks in the United States. He wrote the book Midlife Ascent: Men’s Growth and Goal. Peter married his wife Lydia in 1990. She is ordinated in 2020 and has served our Lord over 30 years. They have a daughter working for the City and County of San Francisco.



「先求神的國和神的義。」(馬太福音 6:33)

李衛銘牧師博士來自香港。他蒙召事主,於中國神學研究院肄業,在1988年開始全職事事,拓展教會及培育中學生及大學生領袖。1997年,他開始在建道神學院進修,同時擔任一間教會的堂主任,將所學的用於教會的事奉,特別專注於家庭事工。在離開香港之前,他在一大型教會擔任牧職八年。他於2004年被按立為牧師,並擔任多個部門主管,包括男士事工、輔導組、社區服務和外展事工。他主要的服事對象是成年人,並於2005年為教會設立成年發展中心,作為外展事工的基地。2008年,他來美國牧會,在三藩巿華埠發展移民事工。2023年,他蒙召到4C屬靈大家庭參與事奉。他喜愛禱告、鍛練身體和旅行,曾遊歷超過十五個美國國家公園,並著有『雄心萬丈度中年』一書。他於1990年與楊翠儀女士結婚,她事奉主超過三十年,於 2020年被按立為牧師。他們有一位女兒,現在三藩巿巿府及縣府工作。

Statement of Faith


0.1 Since the time of the Apostles, Christians have laid out their beliefs in brief, definitive statements. We believe that it is necessary to set forth in succinct fashion the fundamental truths of our church as guided by Scripture. Our Statement of Faith summarizes essential Christian beliefs and safeguards the church from error. Therefore, this document aims to preserve the unity of the church through a commitment to Biblical truth.

0.2 We recognize that any doctrinal statement is a fallible human attempt to summarize and systematize God’s inexhaustible revelation. Furthermore, this statement of faith is not intended to supersede the Word of God; for it derives its validity and authority solely from its agreement with the Word of God. This statement does not create the truth but simply expresses it and sets forth those truths which 4C Christ Centered Community Church believes.

There is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ:
Jesus is the Son of God and by Him all things were created. Fully human and fully divine, Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born of the Virgin Marry.  While on Earth, Christ lived a sinless life, was full of grace and truth, performed good deeds and miracles, and taught the words of life. He was crucified, died, and rose again. Christ ascended into heaven, now intercedes for us, and will return to judge the living and the dead.

Holy Spirit:
The Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, draws people to Christ, indwells believers, and is uniquely present when two or more Christians gather in the name of Jesus.  He enables Christians to live a holy life, reveals the Word of God, and empowers believers through various gifts for the work of the church.

Those who confess with their mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe with their heart that God raised him from the dead, shall be saved. Those who do so are born again, having been regenerated by the Holy Spirit.

Both the saved and the lost shall be resurrected; the saved will be resurrected to life and the lost resurrected to damnation.

Spiritual Unity of Believers:
The spiritual unity of believers is in the Lord Jesus Christ and is expressed through love for fellow believers.

The Bible is the inspired Word of God, being the final authority on matters of faith, theology, doctrine, and conduct.

There is a universal Church of Jesus Christ. All believers are part of that Church.  Christians are called to regularly assemble together in local expressions of that universal Church for worship, fellowship, administering the sacraments, instruction, and engaging in good works.

The greatest commandment is to love God with all one’s heart, soul, mind, and strength. The second greatest commandment is to love one’s neighbor as one’s self.

Good Works:
Christians are commanded, and predestined, to perform good works which glorify the Father.

Christians are to live lives that are holy, being set apart from this “world”, because believers are holy. Therefore, believers are to repent from their sin, resist temptation, and conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with a Christian lifestyle and character.

Marriage has been ordained by God and is the exclusive covenantal union between a man and a woman in which such union is a lifetime commitment. A civil government’s sanction of a union will be recognized as a legitimate marriage by the Church only to the extent that it is consistent with the definition of “marriage” found in these Articles.

Human Sexuality:
Legitimate sexual relations are exercised solely within marriage. Hence, sexual relations outside of marriage (referred to in the New Testament as “porneia”– πορνεια) including but not limited to, adultery, premarital sex, homosexuality, and pedophilia are inconsistent with the teachings of the Bible and the Church. Further, lasciviousness, transgender behavior, and the creation or distribution or viewing of pornography, are incompatible with the biblical witness.